Fern & Pine Cone Necklace - shortened version 7 castings - Sterling Silver

$ 180.00

The standard length of this Sterling Silver Fern and Pine Cone Necklace is 17", but we can lengthen or shorten it if needed. There are 4 Fern and 3 Pine Cone Links for a total of 7 castings.

Nature's jewelry that can be enjoyed year round!  Delicate ferns sprout up under sturdy pine trees softening the forest floor.  It's a surprise to see their dark green fronds peeking through the snow in the Spring.

All connections are silver soldered for lasting strength.  We've darkened the Double Pine Cone links to bring out the details.  Scroll down for an enlarged view.

The other version of our Sterling Silver Fern and Pine Cone Necklace has twice the castings so is a bit more expensive.

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